viernes, 18 de junio de 2010

Internet, the good thing and the bad thing.

If we use the Internet as average educational podriamos to achieve big knowledge on the technology, and serious a way of education and learning so much for the pupils as the teachers and us serviria as a tool of the system. The bad of the Internet if we use it as way recreative in some cases not serious harmfully and perjudical for the pornographic pages and of vices that young women present in them and many harmful games for ours.

The use of the educational technology.

Since resource of support for the education is enriching the process of traditional education since there has been verified that it improves the learning, beside creating appropriate conditions in order that the student and the teacher interactuen inside a climate of practice and learning. These resources, as educational way, stimulate the fundamental senses as ear, sight and it increases the knowledge.

miércoles, 16 de junio de 2010

Modern technology

The modern technology investigates and discovers beginning and laws; the technology applies these discoveries, creating goods and products that they benefit to the company in all his set.
This scientific and technical worry, with his applications, he will be still while the man continue living the planet.

lunes, 14 de junio de 2010

Internet benefits

Internet has turned, nowadays in the most important channel of communication and distribution of contents and information.This new conduit offers to the trades and new companies opportunities of service and communication with the users who have not been possible in the past.In comparison with the traditional methods of marketing and commercialization,This new product and a half allows the rapid, effective and economic access to a number much customers' ledger potentials.